Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Twitter Chat

What is a PLN? A Professional Learning Network is a way for educators to connect with one another and share resources through the uses of different variations of technology and different resources. I have a personal PLN that you can check out in my last blog post here. I use many different forms such as Facebook, School, and Personal Relationships.
For this blog post, I was able to participate in a Twitter chat. I used a website called “Tweet Deck.” By using this website, I was able to have multiple twitter feeds open at one time and it made it easy to see what was being posted.The link to TweetDeck can be found here.The chat that I chose was the #LEARNLAP. This chat is based on a book titled “Learn Like a Pirate” written by Paul Solarz. This book is based on empowering the students in your classroom and and having a student-led classroom. A helpful infographic on the difference between a student-led classroom and a teacher-led classroom can be found here. This chat was hosted by the author of the book, Pau; Solarz. The chat was created in July of 2015. I believe that the chat is held weekly on Monday nights. The criteria that was covered on the chat was mainly on how to make the best environment for your classroom. They asked questions about what teachers have inspired us to become teachers, what qualities are good for future educators to have, and even how to take time to encourage our students and fellow faculty members. I would say that most of the people that participated in the chat were educators and people that work in the education field.  A link to the twitter feed can be found here.

Monday, October 22, 2018


This map shows my Professional Learning Network. PLN's help teachers use technology to grow and develop in a professional way. It also helps teachers share and learn lots of new techniques and inventive things for them to use in the classroom. All of these are ways of communication for educators to collaborate with one another. Some examples are social media, school, social bookmarking, and personal networks. Social Media is a key part in our society today. This is a way of communication for people to see what is going on in other people's lives. Instagram and Snapchat are used for more personal things, but I feel that when I become an educator, Facebook and Twitter could be used in a more professional way. I will be able to connect with fellow teachers and organizations that relate to education. A social network that I will most likely use is FaceTime. Or some type of video service. I'm sure as an educator there will be many video chats and conferences that take place during my career. The next one is the School and Family categories. I personally feel that these personal relationships that I will build will benefit me the most. My mentors, friends/classmates, and family will be the best ways to get support right now, and even in my future as an educator. And lastly, Social bookmarking. A great example of this is Pinterest. I will be able to use this to get ideas to use in my classroom. I will be able to get so many different ideas for anything I can think of and implement them into my classroom. Attached below is a "Popplet" that shows a webbing of my own personal PLN.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

In this paper, you will read about my thoughts on different mindsets. I personally think that a growth mindset and innovator's mindset will help students the most in their educational career. As a future educator I hope that I will be able to instill these specific mindsets in my students. But I know that in order to, I must have these mindsets as well. Feel free to read my essay to go more in depth of these topics and also attached is an Infographic to visually represent these topics.
Mindset Paper

Sunday, September 16, 2018

About Me


  • Hi! My name is Parris. I am a freshmen at University of Wisconsin- Platteville. I am majoring in Elementary Education with a minor in Spanish. I am from Monroe, WI. I am the oldest of 4 siblings and have 2 Labrador retrievers. This semester I am enrolled in Educational Media Theory and Intro to Education. I hope to use the knowledge that I will learn in these classes someday in my classroom.